Hello !!!! how is everyone doing ????
hopefully everyone is doing good !!!
After knowing yen han updated our class blog, i suddenly feel like contributing.
I wanna make one nice post here, but i will be having exams real soon.
so, I will update after my exam or when i'm free but no promiseee.
Just wanna share some stuff about our US life over here.
Sara and Bryan are at penn state. Both of them are doing fine !!
the weather at their place are pretty cold.
Aidil and Ris are at USC, LA . Both of them are doing fine as well.
Aidil has got a lot of friends from other university. I was surprise that the school actually had like 100 over Malaysian students. They are pretty friendly as well.
Ris's neighbor is the most irritating onesss .. haha ..kesian her !
I am at san fran and i am suffering because i am the dumb one ..hhahaha....
I stayed over at Ris's place for 2 times. The first time was thanks giving break for one week.
Then the second time i stayed around one month. We also met up with Sara and Bryan.
Everyone here is doing fine !!! but we have a lot of hw here.
Everybody is coping fine here !! i am very proud of you all !! =)
claps for pe6-ian in the states .
Ris will be coming over to my place probably next month.
As it is not many pe6-ian come to the states, i think that we have to stay united !!
We must care for each other, since we are so far away from home.
Sometimes, Sara will call me to talk and i will call her to talk too.
It is very important to stay in touch with each other.
I hope pe6-ian that in uk are doing fine too.
As i seldom get any updates from some of you from uk, i hope everything is fine. And, i just wanna say --- keep warm !!
i know uk is freaking cold, plus the snow...omg.
I hope all pe6-ian can stay united no matter where we are right now. =)
Greetings from California !!! heheheh
to dear pe6-ian at the states !!!
fight for GPA 3.5 !!!! GO GO GO JIA YOU !!!
good luck for job hunting and internship !!!
lovess ,
i hope to update (but no promise yet)
1. thanks giving break with Ris n Aidil
2. Sara,bryan came to L.A
3. hopefully disneyland and universal studios trip with pe6-ian.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Greetings from California =)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Prosperity and Purity, Red and Snow
Firstly, I would like to apologise for not making a special post for the blog. Just doing a post for my own blog took me more than an hour. So, forgive me for extracting it and putting it here. At least there will be something new to see right? =) I hope you guys are doing well. The blog seems to have died, which is quite sad. If you have any ideas on how to revive it, do contact me. Till then, take care!
*from jeremynyh.blogspot.com
In just about an hour's time, the long minute hand of the clock will strike 12. With the omnious twelve chimes, the day will be over, and it will be Tuesday. More importantly, the 15 days of 2009 Chinese New Year will have come to an end. The ushering of the year of the Ox will be done, and our daily lives will go on as we prepare to face another year of trials and tribulations. To me, the 15 previous days and days to come is very significant.
Anyways, before i bore you to death, let me describe my first CNY celebrations away from home. Truly a different experience, being away from family and celebrating in a country where such celebrations are barely noticeable, to say the least. In London, most people do not celebrate Chinese New Year, other than the chinese of course(duh). China town is exceptionally packed and decorated with lanterns. Word of lion dance perfomances and fireworks near Leicester square is all i know of the celebrations.
In Passfield, my hall of residence, we decorated our hall with red packets in shapes of lanterns etc etc. It was a new experience for me, as we never really decorated the house before back home. It was really fun staying up and making all the decor. Here are a few pics to show, i know my hair is freaking weird. =\
That was the saturday night where we were all busy decorating the place. The following day, we woke up and started cleaning our rooms; the traditional spring cleaning. After that, the arrival of the master chefs, for we were planning a big 'reunion' dinner! Despite being 13 hours away from home, we will prevail, and strive to produce the best we can. The following is the Chinese New Year menu for the day. Price of GBP 5.50 per person, with a disclaimer stating we will not be liable as well.
Steam Mackerel and Bream
Steam Chicken
Mapo Tofu
Kai Lan , Choi Sum & Pak Choi Vegetables
Tian Tang Dessert
Chinese Tea, Cocktail & Wine

It was a really good feast, and at a charge of GBP 5.50 per person, i must say that it is quite a good worthy meal. With this session, our cooking skills have leveled up by tenfold.
Sadly, the next day was Monday, a school day. Imagine the First Day of CNY is to wake up at 9am and attend a 10am lecture. -sigh- However, we must strive to do the best in whatever situation we may be in. Anyways, the following Monday, the amazing miracle happenned.
the last 3 superb quality pictures are thanks to Titus! Hehe.. Well, even though CNY has ended, i would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year! May you have a great year ahead of you! All the best!!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Hey people.
It's been almost a month since the results came out and I'm sure you all have decided what you wanna do, where you wanna go. Some of you might have ALREADY started studying somewhere far away *hintsarabrianclhint*
So do revive the class blog, do update on where you're planning on going, when you're starting et cetera et cetera et cetera.
Well, I'm going to start the ball rolling by telling you that I haven't really decided but it's going to be most likely Pharmacy. Monash Australia perhaps. =D
So what are you doing next?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Langkawi Trip.. =P
I noe it has been awhile.. da trip was last week but now oni i put something here.. lol.. anyways, its cuz da blog seems to be decomposing.... waaay past dead d.. so here is a summary of stuffs to make those dat din go jealous =P jkjk
Went to LCCT in 2 cars.. really thanks to gene and jeff cuz their dad, mum and mum drove us der.. really very good la.. lol... den boarded da plane.. makan nasi lemak on board ( well its just me and dom tho, gene had hot dog ). So exp. Den arrived in an hours time...
Upon entry into da terminal, so many agents offering car rentals etc and packages.. like market.. but oh wells.. rented proton wira for RM55 a day.
Zzz, i seem to be talkin a lot, and its rather long.. bah so i'll just give u pics k.. as u noe, pics are worth a thousand words. So here goes; (all the pics have been resized)
So dats wat we did basically.. went snorkelling in pulau payar.. not bad.. got to see baby sharks, big sharks, groupa or garupa and baracuda? dunno la.. quite fun la.. dats basically da summary of our trip. Well, dats all for now.. maybe jeff or someone could give a more detailed explanation if dey wan =P
Well... take care guys...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Update on Trip
Hello people... For those who don't know, i'm trying to plan a trip to Langkawi with u guys.. Initially the plan was to Sabah, but due to reason, there is a change.. So anyways, the following are the information i have found out after much research. So if you would like to join us, please do mention...
those confirm going are-
dominic, yenhan, bryan, sara, eugene, jeffrey
Itinerary/Plans for 4D 3N ( for now, hoping to go on the 1st to 4th OR 7th-10th July, subject to change)
Day 1
- Bus > Ferry > Hotel > relax and enjoy > explore town/visit beach
Day 2
- cable car > relax/free and ez at the beach etc
Day 3
- Snorkeling at Marine Park ( half day gone ) > dinner > leisure time
Day 4
- Mangrove Tour > subject to your liking
A lil extra info-
Bus takes about 6 hours from KL and ferry takes about 2 hours
alternately we can take air asia but the fare might be about RM95 ( RM190 2 ways )
*extra info ( may be able to get RM170 to and fro from airasia )
Proposed accommodation is at Awana, Porto Malai. Very good hotel supposedly, but dun have beach, so dat is the set back...
Mangrove tour, is we rent a boat and go around the mangrove, maybe see eagle feeding, visit fish farm, bat cave, crocodile farm etc.. depends on the package we take..
Snorkeling at Marine Park, which is said to be really good.
May even get to snorkel next to baby sharks ( according to ppl's review )
Accommodation is still under consideration...
So the following is the budget -
bus + ferry x2 RM150 < very uncertain
car rental RM 240 divided by 5 = RM 48
accommodation RM 60 a nite
food RM 25-40 a day
marina park snorkeling RM 100 - 130
mangrove tour RM 30 - 50
cable car - RM15
So, the rough approximation is about RM600.
On a second note, we can always change a few things-
such as we can stay at somewhere cheaper but low quality...
we can also skip tours and etc and just hang out at the beach.
Do let me know your comments..
Regards, Jeremy
Friday, June 13, 2008
proms and all other memorable pictures
hi there everyone. how was prom? i believe it was not bad right? i actually did enjoy myself. i hope that you do too! can you imagine?? one month ago we were still wondering how tough will finals be. how are we gonna pass through all these days? now, everything has passed. no longer stressed, no longer worried. one and a half years have passed. pretty fast right? time flies i believe. who knows, in a few more years we will see some familliar faces appearing in the papers. and that will be when we think back and kept ourselves wonder who that person is.
well , i hope that wont be happening cause we have this blog to keep ourselves updated with each and everyones life.
i know this wont be easy. after some time this blog might just die off. but i really really hope that if we have the initiative to start it , let's just keep it updated till the end ! alright?!
although , throughout this one and a half year there were lots of unwanted incident that happened in our class.but getting to know each other and facing ourselves with ppl that will be in the society in the future made me much more matured then how i used to be. that's my case lar. i dont know urs. however, good friends are not easy to find. good friends are those that will be with u no matter what happens and good friends are the ones that will support you , that lends u her/his shoulder whenever you need it.
there are much more things that we will be facing in the future. therefore, i hope that we will keep this blog alive and let's support each other in each and everyone's life alright!
pics......! enjoy! (pls be aware most pics contain me =p)
alright. thats bout it. contented or not? if ur not , then ar , blame the photographer. if u are contented , thanks me for my camera! =p
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Trip zzz
Hey fellas, to those handful who still come to the site, here's a few updates-
Planning trip to be somewhere along early july.. probably mon(30th june) till around 7th july.. around these times i guess... Anyone with objections to the time, pls do inform.
Also, the most probable place would be Sabah. Wat to do der is climb mt. Kinabalu and lepak at the beach. For a 3D 2N stay, it should be about RM550 approx. 4D 3N maybe 650 +
That is the very rough budget(by adding up figures in my head)..
Flight costs to and fro should be RM250 la.. im not quite sure, have to call up the airline company.
But before doing so, i need more input from u guys.. so just ask around or wat...
TIME - early July oki?
BUDGET - RM550 ++ okie?
PLACE - sabah okie bo?
If can, lemme noe la ya.. ASAP...
will update more.. thx..
good luck for lousy fizik = =
Monday, May 26, 2008
elo ~
Hie guys, yH here again..
Err, its still the exams season, about 7 more papers to go for some of us.. xD
Anyways, just wanted to inform that invites to blog has been sent out to most of u all, this is to allow u guys to blog too, whenever u are free or wat. So no excuses on why u din update.. xD
Another matter i wanna voice out is the.... AFTER EXAMS trip!
love dat word... after exams... sounds so nice, and tempting...
anyways, so where u fellas wanna go. Most classes have already planned theirs..
We are too hardworking to plan ours xD yea rite..
So, one of my suggestions is to go for the outdoors, or go to Sabah xD
Well, beach is my preferred choice.. so PD? Pangkor? Redang(many taylorians going)
hmmm genting's boredom might just kill me, unless we purposely go stay in haunted apartments..
Anyways, do voice out in the cbox > or click on comments so it can be saved for future viewings..
TC, have fun, GL
Monday, May 19, 2008
Here in my home, Malaysia
*there's a youtube video below, let it play while u read the post k*
*post quoted from my exclass blog*
To Malaysia, our home...
We may come to dislike it or feel unfairness by this and that (which shouldn't be mentioned), but this is our home! Blood and sweat from our ancestors has give us this opportunity for a better living. We are not under communist rule, or facing famine. Neither are we battling diseases or suffering from cyclones and earthquakes. Believe it or not, we are blessed in some way.
After hearing this song in the car(which i purposely waited for it to play, on Hitz.fm), i felt really touched by it and find that the lyrics are really really meaningful. The following is quoted from the site;
pete was juggling tomatoes.
bored. so he telephoned a few friends instead. “how about getting together to make an anti-racism song and music video?” all said yes without hesitation. not because pete threatened them with a rusty knife. only because they love malaysia.
the contingent swelled to 52 people a few days later. it included filmmakers, dancers, singers, producers, musicians, actors, entrepreneurs, designers, footballers, activists, celebrities, students and a florist. nobody would be paid. yet they were enthused. not because they were high on speed. only because they love Malaysia.
they gathered to record the song. it had a catchy chorus and was able to induce a mass sing-along. everyone was happy when it was done. they named it ‘here in my home’. then more people joined. the party now included more than 120 people. but the budget remained exactly zero. it seems even the spreadsheet loves malaysia.
everyone turned up for the video shoot. much fun was had and friendships made. video editors went to work after the shoot was done. both the recording and the video would be given away for free. a gift to the nation. from those who love malaysia to those who feel the same.
did you ask what this is all about?
it’s about love.
Please do visit the webpage's link here or click on the link on the right. You can download the song, video and lyrics there.
Here's the lyrics if u just feel like singing along. Have fun..
Hold on brother hold on
The road is long. We’re on stony ground
But I’m strong. You ain’t heavy
Oh there’s a misspoken truth that lies
Colors don’t bind, oh no.
What do they know? They speak falsely.
Here in my home
I’ll tell you what its all about
There’s just one hope here in my heart
One Love undivided
That’s what it’s all about
Please won’t you fall in one by one by one [with me]?
Push back sister won’t you push back?
Love won’t wait. Just keep pushing on.
Yes I’m strong. You ain’t heavy.
Oh don’t you worry about that…
What we have the shadows can’t deny
Don’t you know it’s now or never?
Years of fears and years of tribulation
The heart keeps searching for that endless devotion
Hand in hand we’ll march like blood brothers
I speak for my people hope we’ll find peace forever
May the road ahead quench my thirst for success
May the road behind echo a song of the blessed
So I will let it be known yes I feel it in my bones
No matter where I roam this is home sweet home
- Words & Music by Pete Teo featuring rap by KLG Sqwad &
Altimet. copr Redbag Music 2008. All Rights Reserved -